Choosing A Better Injury Attorney

About Me
Choosing A Better Injury Attorney

When I was injured in an accident a few years ago, I knew that I needed to fight for my rights. I hadn't done anything wrong during the accident, but the other party came after me with a team of lawyers. I was left holding the bag for the accident and struggling to recover from my own injuries. This blog is all about choosing a better injury attorney and knowing what to look for. I know that this information would have helped me a few years ago. On this blog you will also find loads of information about what to do after an accident.


6 Types Of Accident Scams You Need To Know About

2 August 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Accident scams happen every day, and each one is meticulously planned to ensure that innocent drivers like you pay up. Think you may have been involved in an accident scam? Pay attention to the accident scenarios below to see if you have been played. T-Bone Accidents Scammers tend to use this tactic to make it appear as if you have run a red light or a stop sign. The scammer will wait for you to be in the middle of the intersection before speeding into you. Read More …

Two Reasons Why You Need An Attorney After A Vehicle Accident

1 August 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Dealing with the ramifications of a vehicular accident can be very difficult.  You may have sustained painful injuries that make it hard for you to do basic, daily activities.  Combine this with calls from the other party's insurance company, and you can be left reeling.  That's why it's vital for you to hire an attorney after you've been in a car wreck.  Learning more about the benefits of having a lawyer will help you see why it's essential for you to work with one right away. Read More …

Injured At Home? Your Landlord May Be Responsible.

1 August 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you suffer an injury at home and you are a renter, you may not be liable for your medical costs. In fact, you may even be covered for lost work and for any pain or suffering you had to endure. This is because the property owner – your landlord – could be responsible due to premise liability. The following can help you determine if this is the case. How did the injury occur? Read More …

3 Things You Need to Know about Workers’ Compensation in Michigan

26 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you were hurt while at work and are currently pursuing a workers' compensation claim in the state of Michigan, you will be dealing directly with the insurance company your employer uses to facilitate their workers' compensation benefits. Here are three things to keep an eye out for in your dealings with your employer's insurance provider.  1. Your Benefit Amount In the state of Michigan, you are technically entitled to 80% of what you make every week after taxes through workers' compensation. Read More …

What Tactics Can An Insurance Adjuster Use To Deny Your Claim?

8 February 2016
 Categories: , Blog

One of the most challenging aspects of settling a personal injury case is negotiating with the insurance company. If you are lucky, the company will be open to negotiate and act in good faith. However, there is a chance that the company could resort to improper tactics to avoid paying the claim. To help you spot an improper tactic, here are some of the most commonly attempted and what you can do. Read More …